
推廣 熱搜: 天仁  廣州天仁  廣州  保密銷毀  電子產品  文件銷毀  塑料回收  廣州文件  廣州文  廣州電子產品銷毀 

廢舊五金家電銷毀Scrap hardware and appliances destroyed

單價: 100.00
品牌: 未填寫
銷量: 累計出售 0
評價: 已有 0 條評價
人氣: 已有 185 人關注
更新: 2022-08-01
數(shù)量: 減少 增加件 庫存1000件
立即購買   加入購物車

Waste of hardware appliances and electronic products contain a variety of harmful elements, ham, improper handling, not only harm human health, damage to the environment, and the company's image will have a negative impact to the enterprise, need to apply for destruction of defective items and destruction of expired products, while the outdated hardware appliances and electronic products will only increase operating costs and no any income. We provide professional disposal solutions for used hardware appliances and electronic products that do not meet the requirements of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China. We can provide customers with all-round differentiated disassembly, entrusted treatment and disposal services.
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